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"As regards to favoriting you "Sorbitol" Absolutely no chance!! You are a nice guy and have great cartoons but you are riddled with politically correct socialist activists and are sooo biased I would not dream of going "official" with you..."



Londinium Town

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Not your cheese! Defo never heard that one before :)

Thanks! I think I made it up.

Lmao, my sister says that all the time.
Nice try though.
Nacho joke!

Oh, so it seems that I didn't make it up.
Back to the drawing board for me...

-Yo give me that strange ass cheese!
-Its Nacho Cheese Fool!!!

An interesting variation.

Eh, OK, but I think the main problem is there are too many answers to the question, taking for example the joke:

Knock knock.
Who's there?

(Thus the only reasonable answer is to ask "Boo, who?"

Otherwise I think these were better than any joke I could make in this catagory. I'm more of just funny situations, or exaggerated speaking.

Cheers matey!
I'm sure I made up the joke about The Corrs'.
I could be wrong.

I think you're over thinking the whole thing.
I like the cheese one :]

Thank you.

I have highlighted the problem of thinking that you've made up a joke only to find that you haven't. This affects us all both in social gatherings and even for those on the comedy circuit.

Ha, well, I giggled!
Love that pic above... lol.

I love the look on the little guys face! You can tell that things are about to turn nasty!

The Nacho one has been heard all over the place.

Evidently so.

But isn't it better to think that you have made up a joke only to find that you haven't than never to think that you made up a joke which you haven't at all?

heard the nacho one, my teacher tells it this way:
HEY! This covorsation is tacos and burritos nachos

your jokes are more or less a pun...

Most are.

I like your teachers' take on the nacho joke!

*{[(< To be said in a british accent >)]} ^

Knock Knock,
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock Knock,
Who's there??
Banana who??
Knock Knock,
WHO'S THERE!?!?!?.
*sigh* Orange who?
Orange you glad i didn't say banana?


Not bad, not bad at all!

It's weird, even though I have a British accent, because you told me to read it in a British accent I had this really over the top British accent in my mind as I read the joke. Why didn't I just read it in my normal voice? Albeit the one in my head?


i called yo ass a fat-ass

Nice! You're off to a great start!


I was worried that someone may overlook the humour.

The Nacho Cheese Is not made up by you. It has been said a few times before.

The other was just...not funny. I have not heard of it though so I guess you may have made that one up.

That picture is hilarious.

I have already established that the Nacho joke was probably sub-consciously plagiarised (first line of post).
Please read others' comments before repeating them.
The other one I may have made up but it requires some general knowledge beforehand to be fully appreciated, which I have selflessly provided.

Blindly commenting on an extensive post that you can't be bothered to read is the height of bad manners.

I'm glad the spastic child makes you laugh, though.

I heard that nacho cheese joke from an episode of Skins, but unfortunately, the joke sucks.

Skins? The British show? I've never seen it but that could explain how the joke was relayed to me as I know this bird who goes on about it all the time.
Maybe she told it to me, I locked it away deep in my sub-conscious mind and then somehow certain events in my daily life triggered a recall and the joke awoke from it's mental coma.

Once the joke had popped into my head (although it had never really left) I must have assumed to have just thought of it!
I then naively went about my day congratulating myself on a joke that someone else had told me! Which they in turn had heard on T.V!

This would go someway to explaining why people do this.

The joke is shit, though.

ummmmmmm no u didnt make that one up matter oof fact i dont know who did =/

'Tis a mystery!

A quick Google search with the phrase "Nacho cheese joke" would have solidified your suspicion...



"Nacho cheese joke"

http://www.basicjokes.com/djoke.p hp?id=1177

"A Mexican family crosses over the border to the Land of Milk and Honey where the streets are paved with gold. But the husband can find no work.

His family is hungry, so he takes a walk to a quiet place at the foot of a big hill, kneels at the base of a tree, and begins to pray: "Sweet Jesus, please show me a way to feed my family..."

Eyes closed, the Mexican does not see a man coming over the top of the hill, who is stumbling wildly with a broken grocery sack. When the Mexican man opens his eyes, a large wheel of cheddar cheese rolls down the hill an lands at his feet!

"Oh, thank you Jesus, thank you!" he cries, grabs the cheese, and runs straight home. Upon returning home, he gives the cheese to his wife and instructs her to make nachos.

"But wouldn't you rather have cheese enchiladas and burritos and other things?" she inquires.

"No," the husband says, "Jesus sent this to me with a message... As I ran home,

I kept hearing Him yell, ' THAT'S NACHO CHEESE! THAT'S NACHO CHEESE!'

'Tis a different joke!

Why rely on Google? Is it really so bad to try to find the answers for ones self?

Think about it.

I had a similar thing with a friend when I thought I made up this joke:
(N.B. Tim Henman is England's best tennis player, but despite the fact as a country we love the game... we're shit).

A. Knock knock.
B. Who's there?
A. Tim
B. Tim who?
A. Tim Henman.
B. ...? Wft?
A. It's a joke in itself.

Anyways, all in all we almost lost friendship over something so stupid claiming it's each others joke whereas in reality we probably just influenced or stole it from someone else.

All in all, does original thought exist? Close, but not really.

Oh, don't talk to me about tennis- or any other sport for that matter- us Brits are truly shit!

I think you're the only person who has related to this post.
I was reading a book on the American comedian Bill Hicks and in one part Dennis Leary gets on stage and starts doing Bills' jokes. When Bills' manager asked Leary why he'd copied the routine he just looked her up and down and walked away.
Most still argue to this day that Leary ripped Hicks off in stage manner and material but Leary fans always argue that he was merely "influenced" by him.

Personally, I think Leary is a twat.

So maybe you're right - does original thought exist?

Hmmm. I shall ponder this further.

Thanks for the comment!

(Also, if you're in England then what are you doing up at this time on a Thursday night? It's almost 1 o'clock! Unless you've got the Bank Holiday off as well! That's the only reason I wrote this stupid fucking post!)


I've got Uni off for 2 weeks and I'm staying up trying to finish off a small flash game for sponsorship.
It's quite dull actually, hence me wondering around on Newgrounds.
Besides, you must be pretty board, you seem to have replied to every comment made (hence me being the sad wanker hitting refresh).
And back on original thought, I think anything that can be considered 'original' is only slightly less influenced than most others (or even influenced by more sources).
God knows what is actually original, if we saw it we'd probably die.

Yeah, I'm pretty bored. I'm working on some crappy thing for some crappy job.
I was actually hoping to get a few abusive comments on this but there seems to be a good crowd in tonight. Oh well...

I think I had this "originality" debate when I was in college. Me and my mate used to get drunk and think that we were having some intellectual conversations on stuff and "originality" came up. I can't remember what conclusions we came to but the fact that I've forgotten speaks volumes in itself.

So if everything is influenced by something can it still be called original?
Err.. Probably not I suppose. Which feels like a sad thing to say.
I suppose a lot of things are like rehashed idea's dressed up to seem different.

Still, it's quite interesting to think about these sorts of things. :)

i think ill steal that nacho one

Go for it!!

If anyone accuses you of stealing it just say, "NAY!! I have merely dis-regarded the intellectual properties of the "Nacho Joke" where it has lay dormant in my sub-conscious mind until this very moment, where I have presented it to you, good Sirs, as an original jest."

You will be released without charge.

Here is a small expert from me and the-fne's mr.wiggles and the grim weaper project

*intercome at gocery store*"forget ravioles, spettiy os are the way of the future"

Sounds good!
Whens it coming out?

Feel free to post more stuff about it if you like, you will then have front page privileges by proxy.

Get the word out!!!

Hey why do you have your gender listed as male and then have a pic of a chic above ^^^ Well if your that chick then you look pretty hot lol. I think your right and you heard it somewhere and subconsiously used that to make your own spin off of it. I've definately heard "nocho- something" before and rolled my eyes in an obvious fit of joy. Its just one of those corny lines you hear and get planted somwhere in the recesses of your brain along with fond memories of walking in on your parents during sex that just find their own way to be expressed. lol maybe you thought that the joke was so lame when you heard it that your subconsious spent the next 2 years thinking of a way to keep the population from repeating it by making it more ridiculous. lata

Although I am a dashingly handsome young man my rugged good looks pail in insignificance to the beauty of my one true sweet heart.
But yes, she is hot!
I like your idea of trying to stop the population repeating their mistakes by outdoing their foolishness- almost like a vigilante clown.

What worries me most is that if I have sub-consciously ripped off a joke that isn't mine then how many other "original" ideas have I ripped-off without knowing it?

We are all intellectual thieves and nothing more.

But thanks for rolling your eyes in an obvious fit of joy! :)

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